keyword - required - type string or array - the search term(s) of interest.Requires an object as the first parameter with the following keys:
#Google trends data install#
To install this package, clone this git repository and include it in your project's node_modules or simply: If no callback is provided, then a promise is returned. Optional callback function where the first parameter is an error and the second parameter is the result. granularTimeResolution Boolean that dictates if the results should be given in a finer time resolution (if startTime and endTime is less than one day, this should be set to true).resolution is specific to the interestByRegion method. resolution Granularity of the geo search (enumerated string ).(enumerated string where froogle is Google Shopping results) property Google property to filter on.category Category to search within ( number defaults to all categories).timezone Timezone ( number defaults to the time zone difference, in minutes, from UTC to current locale (host system settings)).hl Preferred language ( string defaults to english).geo Location of interest ( string or array if you wish to provide separate locations for each keyword).If endTime is not provided, the current date is selected. endTime End of time period of interest ( new Date() object).If startTime is not provided, a date of Januis assumed (this is the oldest available google trends data) startTime Start of time period of interest ( new Date() object).keyword Target search term(s) string or array if you wish to compare search terms required.apiMethod ( optionsObject, ) ParametersĪn object with the following options keys: Const googleTrends = require ( 'google-trends-api' ) googleTrends.