And Leon, though repentant for killing her daughter, had helped to make Khadijah that way. Like Leon, we mourned as Khadijah gasped for her last breaths because her grief over her daughter and brother’s deaths turned her into a vengeful killing machine. But Khadijah said she would never stop trying to kill Leon as long as she lived, so Jerome shot and killed her. Skully tried to warn her, and Leon even tried to reason with her. The two women served up Khadijah on a platter. After being well-compensated, Black Diamond and Dallas agreed. That’s exactly what Franklin did, with Wanda’s help as a decoy. Louie, recovering in the hospital, then devised a plan where Franklin would offer to pay strippers/hit women Black Diamond and Dallas double what Khadijah had paid them in order to double-cross her. Sadly, with Manboy dead, there was no doubt that Khadijah would grow more vengeful and murderous. But only after Tanosse severely stabbed him when he tried to strangle and shoot her for lying to him. That’s exactly where Franklin, Leon, Jerome and Peaches got the jump on Manboy and company. But what he and his boys didn’t realize is that Franklin knew Manboy would be too smart for an obvious setup and would likely show up to Tanosse’s place instead. He figured out that the meet-up she told him about was a lie.
#Snowfall season 4 episode 9 plus
And at the end of last week’s episode, we learned that Manboy had offered to pay Franklin’s girlfriend Tanosse $100,000, plus protection for her brother in prison, if she could get Franklin to reveal his drug supplier, or “plug.” Of course, Franklin figured out the double-cross.įascinatingly enough, using Tanosse as a rat also led to Manboy’s undoing.

Although Manboy and his crew attempted to kill Skully with Franklin’s blessing and assistance, Manboy quickly switched lanes when Leon accidentally shot and killed Skully’s 5-year-old daughter, who was also Manboy’s niece. For weeks, this guy has been creating drama with his brother-in-law of sorts, Skully. But first, let’s unpack Manboy’s murder at the hands of Franklin.